To all my dear visitor
Thank u for visiting my blog … apologies to all my visitor due to I’m not writing in English for the previous post… FYI I’m not write in English coz I’m realy love my “Bahasa Ibunda” , however for those who are not really understand my post with “Bahasa Ibunda” this is the right time for improving and gained huge knowledge regarding on my “ Bahasa Ibunda “…InsyaAllah i will update my blog with two bahasa yea... cherioo
This poem belong to all of my visitor…..
Dear sweet beautiful smiling ,
And high spirited friend,
Hide your tears behind the rose garden face ,
You show !
But don’t always hide your tears,
Behind the bold front you show,
Though a woman,
You are more patient,
Stronger than a man,
Someone sense your pain ,
In the sweet sad voice,
Praise your spirit,
Your strength,
Your kindness,
Gentle ways,
Lets some want feel your pain,
When you are in pain
Though you are miles away,
May u be cheerful and content,
When your tears do flow,
Remember you are part,
Of this painful,
Glory called love or life …..
add google translate in yr blog...mcm ni baru la org lain bangsa bole paham...
bole tgk panduan nya kt sini..
tq pakngah .. nanti shahrul add...
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